chaos ロゴ
An assortment of sample logos are included with custom desktop logo. Elseworlds is the publication imprint for a group of comic books produced by dc comics that take place outside the company s canon.
Chaos ロゴ. Lvロゴとモノグラムの刻印入り サイズ ヨーロッパ表記 m 53 s 50 ヨーロッパ表記から40を引いたものが日本のサイズにほぼ該当します 注意事項 基本的に海外で買い付けのため注文確定完了から 10日 14日のお時間を頂いております. Pay for a reservation. View change or cancel a booking. Download custom desktop logo 2 2 october 20th 2008 quick notes.
Unlike its marvel comics counterpart what if which bases its stories on a single point of divergence from the regular continuity most elseworlds stories instead take place in entirely self contained continuities whose only connection to the canon dc.